Information for Parents
Useful Information
PE - Children will now need to have a PE kit in school. This should be in a named bag and all kit should also be labelled with their name.
For Forest School on Thursday the children can come to school in appropriate clothing for outdoor lessons - plain black or grey joggers, with school top and sweatshirt. Extra layers need to be warn on colder days.
Forest School - Children will be provided with waterproof bottoms and coats, as stated above please ensure the children are in joggers on a Thursday. Children will also need a named pair of wellies in a named bag. If possible, it would be helpful if their wellies could remain in school as we do venture into the woods on other days too! As the weather gets colder you may need to send in an extra layer of clothing e.g. leggings, extra fleece, socks, hat and gloves to ensure your child is warm in the woods.
Home Reading - Books will be changed throughout the week. Please ensure that your child reads at least 3 times a week and their books are in their school bags everyday.
Year 1 and 2 will complete spelling tests on a Friday. They have now got their own passwords to practise their spellings on the SPELLING SHED website as well as paper copies in their folders.
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