Information for Parents
The children have made a great start to their time here at John Cross. We have had a busy half term, learning all about ourselves and our bodies. We have begun learning all about the seasons and are enjoying lots of autumnal activities!
During the second half of the autumn term, Class 1 will be focusing on the topic 'Paws, Jaws and Claws'. They will be learning all about different animals and exploring their habitats. They will learn how to look after and care for their own pets as well as looking at the life cycle of certain animals . We will be using non-fiction books and iPads to research where in the world different animals can be found .
The second half of the autumn term is always very busy and exciting as we count down to Christmas. We rehearse and perform our school nativity play and have a wonderful trip to the pantomime.
The children will continue their phonics sessions, focusing on Phase 2 of Red Rose Phonics. They will be writing simple words using their phonetic knowledge. In Maths the children will be looking at the numbers 1 to 5 as well as comparing mass, size and capacity and exploring pattern.
They will be taking part in Forest schools every Thursday as well as a PE lesson on a Friday afternoon.
Through the RE lessons, the children will be learning about special people and the birth of Jesus .
All children will have access to continuous provision both indoors and outdoors and they will have lots of exciting challenges to complete in all of the areas of the provision.
Forest school
The children partake in Forest School sessions every Thursday morning. They learn through exploring the outdoors. They build shelters, search for minibeasts, planting, leaf rubbings, identifying different plants and creatures along with a large array of other exciting activities.
The children are provided with full waterproof outfits they just require a pair of wellies from home and weather appropriate clothing such as hats, gloves and extra jumpers during the winter months.
Physical Education
Every Friday afternoon, the children have their PE lesson. Throughout the year they learn a variety of different physical skills such as ; throwing, catching, travelling, balancing etc.
The children will need a full PE kit in school every week. Unlike the other classes, Reception children get changed at school to help encourage self-dressing