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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Forest School


We are very lucky in Class 2 that we have a fully qualified and experienced Forest School teacher visit us to deliver high quality outdoor activities in our own woodland. Kirsty McNamee works closely with staff in school to ensure activities are matched to learning objectives in our cross curricular topics. Activities will often cover objectives in science, geography, art and design technology.

Christmas Wreaths

The year 1 children were very proud of their weaving and the Christmas decorations they were able to take home. 




Our Forest School Lessons 

The children spend time in Forest School learning to identify trees and plants in our grounds. The children are able to identify trees and bushes by their buds and leaves and also enjoy researching anything new that they find in the grounds such as fungi. The children will often use the leaves that they identify to create artwork e.g. making their own paints and printing with leaves. 

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