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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve


How does hope link to Believe and Achieve?

A safe and stimulating learning environment will enable our pupils to believe and achieve now and in the future.

At John Cross, we have Christian hope which is the hope of eternal life that is God given. Hope also underpins the aspirations that we hold for each other and that the children hold for themselves.

Our worship series on the theme of 'Hope'.


What is hope?

What does the Bible say about hope?

How did Jesus give others hope?

How does the Christian message give us hope today?

How can we be hopeful in difficult times?

How can we give others hope?



Hope, second chances and Peter.




Bringing hope to others: Ukraine


Having heard in the news about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the large numbers of people especially children being affected by this, we wanted to do something practical to bring hope.

Follow this link to read about our clothes collection and visit from Julie at IAT to tell us all about where our collected items had been taken to.


Our interactive prayer board shows where we have written prayers to God to ask him to bring hope to the people of Ukraine.

We also wrote letters to the children who have been displaced or were still living in the Ukraine.




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