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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Summer Term: Water, Water Everywhere!


We have been learning all about the persuasive techniques used in adverts by studying written and filmed adverts. We then worked in groups to create a script for an advert for a pizza. Last Thursday, we made our pizza as a group and performed our advert using the freshly made pizzas. Finally, we shared out the pizzas and enjoyed eating it!


Our trip to Waddecar


There really was 'Water, Water, Everywhere' on Wednesday when we visited Waddecar campsite where we had a very busy and exciting day. Firstly, we went on an adventure walk around the site and started to be able to find our bearings. After that, we used nets to find invertebrates and amphibians in the pond and looked under rocks to find the small creatures that were hiding there. In order to work out what they were, we used identification cards. Our next challenges were bouldering and the pirates course where we had to work together to encourage each other in order to achieve parts of the course which were pretty challenging. In the afternoon, we all had a go at the 'Leap of Faith' which certainly tested our nerve. This was followed by a river study where we measured the flow rate of the river using stop watches and plastic ducks. We summoned up our last bit of energy in order to shout for our duck as these floated down the river. It was Lexi's that crossed the finishing line first.

RE: Our quest to discover the purpose of the features in an Anglican church and how these link to the Bible.

We had a lovely afternoon hunting for the many beautiful items in St Hilda's church. We then quizzed Garry the vicar, Mrs Irwin and Mrs Holmes in order to find out more about them. There were lots of things that we were wondering about to do with churches and so Garry very kindly answered them all in our question and answer session.

Art: Creating our designs in the famous willow pattern design.


We chose characters or aspects of scenes from our class novel, 'Harry's Mad' and  then used these to create a  single scene. We then made tints using undiluted ink to add in the detail and used a water wash to add some lighter tones.


Art: Lenticular Printing

Inspired by the ‘lenticular prints’ of Luz Perez Ojeda, we carefully cut two images into strips and by alternating them side by side, in sequential order, and then folding, we created an optical illusion piece of art. If you look at the pictures you might be able to see two different pictures which are linked to topics that we have or will be studying throughout our time in Class 3 

States of Matter: Science

In science, we explored the concept of matter and how matter can change state. Using the example of water, we discussed how this can exist as a solid, liquid and gas. We then classified different materials according to their state. However, we were surprised to find that some materials are difficult to classify such as cornflour mixed with water and also slime because they don't exhibit the typical properties of solids or liquids. 


Rivers : Geography


We had lots of questions about rivers such as 'Where does the water come from?', ' Which direction do rivers flow in ?', Why don't rivers run out of water?',  Why do rivers change over time?', We went outside to start exploring some of these questions and started this by watching water flow down a bank. We were fascinated by the way that it took the easiest path to flow down hill. We're looking forward to more of our questions being answered in the coming weeks.



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