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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Class 2: Year 1 and Year 2


Welcome to Class 2, I hope you will find the information on our pages useful. You will find general class information, details of our topics, and helpful information, activities and links below. 


In Class 2 we enjoy learning through our creative curriculum approach. Children's interests are ignited through exciting age appropriate topics which encourage investigation enabling children to flourish and retain knowledge and skills whilst developing their confidence and self-belief. Our topics this year are 'Woodlands and Rainforests', 'Fire! Fire!' and 'The World and my School'. Most of the topics have a history and geography theme but many other subjects are also closely linked to our topics where possible and in English we work with closely linked texts. 


Throughout the year we will post photographs and information about the exciting things we have been learning in class,  in the great outdoors and any interesting events or trips we have taken part in.

Please see the link below to our topics in class and our curriculum leaflet for more details. 

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