Class 1 Foundation Unit (Pre-school and Reception)
We plan a range of exciting topics through the year but these can change when children's interests and needs are taken in to account.
We plan and teach for:
- Personal, Social, Emotional development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Understanding the world
- Mathematics
- Literacy
- Expressive Arts and Design
Young children learn through play and the school's Foundation Unit provides continuous provision both indoors and outdoors for our EYFS children as well as high-quality teacher-led and guided activities.
Our directed sessions include:
- Phonics- following Red Rose Letters and Sounds
- Mathematics- following White Rose Maths for reception.
Class 1 Curriculum Overview 2023 - 2024
Summer 2
During the second half of the summer term, Class 1 will be focusing on the topic 'Food, glorious food'. They will be learning all about food and where it comes from. We will be looking at different types of foods, healthy foods and eating a balanced diet. We will be using non-fiction books and iPads to research where in the world different food comes from .
We have a class trip planned to Blackpool Zoo alongside lots of other exciting end of year activities and our whole school sports day.
The children will continue their phonics sessions, focusing on Phase 4 of Red Rose Phonics. They will be writing phrases and simple sentences using their phonetic knowledge, writing recipes and shopping lists as well as 'food poetry'. In Maths the children will be looking at doubling and sharing, odd and even numbers, making maps and problem solving.
They will be taking part in Forest schools every Thursday as well as a PE lesson on a Friday afternoon.
Through the RE lessons, the children will be learning about prayer and special times.
All children will have access to continuous provision both indoors and outdoors and they will have lots of exciting challenges to complete in all of the areas of the provision.