Planting Trees for The Queen's Platinum Jubilee March 2022
Junior Trip to Manchester - synagogue visit and Science and Industry Museum, November 2021
Class 3 Beacon Fell Geography Trip October 2020
Winmarleigh March 2019
January 2019
Junior Visit to Guy's Thatched Hamlet to learn how to cook pizza!

300 Year Celebrations July 2018
In July, the school celebrated the 300th anniversary since John Cross made his will and testament, leaving money for there to be a school in Bilsborrow. We're sure he'd have been extremely proud on the day, as children and staff wore period dress and took part in traditional lessons. The afternoon saw the unveiling of a special mosaic and an after school party and BBQ with staff, children and people from the local community, both past and present. The weather was fantastic and it proved to be a super day to be involved with. Here are some pictures of the day:
Art at The Lowry
On the 20th March, Wrens class went on a trip to The Lowry in Manchester. The children took part in two workshops based on the paintings of L.S. Lowry. In the morning they were taught sketching, shading and pencil skills before visiting the gallery to sketch some of Lowry's famous landscapes. Back in the workshop they all contributed to group landscape pictures in the style of Lowry. After a surprise pizza lunch the children completed their second workshop, this time learning the skills involved in portrait sketching. We had a fantastic day and I'm sure you will be impressed by both the concentration and art skills captured in the following photographs.
14th March 2018 The Easter Trail
We had a great morning at Garstang Free Methodist Church where we attended the Easter Trail. The storyteller led us through the main events of the Easter story which brought the story to life for the younger children.
Extreme Reading challenge
Over the half-term holidays, the children were asked to complete an Extreme Reading challenge, where they had to be photographed reading one of their favourite books in an exteme place! We had some fantastic entries, here are some pictures of them. Well done to Ruby amd Ted who won the junior and infant prizes for their extreme photos!
Wrens Trip to Forest School Friday 27th October
Reception and KS1 had a great day at forest school and were really lucky with the weather after all the rain! We searched for mini beasts and found out about their habitats, we made clay hedgehogs and then made a suitable home for them. After lunch, we worked in teams to build dens before toasting our own marshmallows over a real fire in the woods!
Stone Age Man Visit 13/6/17
The juniors spent the day with a Stone Age man, who came to John Cross to show the juniors various things, including clothing, tools and weapons, along with how to make sap lamps and flint arrow heads! This was to support their topic work, 'Stone Age to Iron Age'.
The children (and staff) all had a fantastic day!
Clitheroe Castle
Infant trip to Clitheroe Castle on 23rd March 2017.
The children had a great day exploring the castle and grounds. Our guided tour was excellent and the children asked fantastic questions and showed off their knowledge of castles from our topic work in school. They made excellent models of keep and bailey castles in the castle classroom and were all praised for their excellent behaviour!
The Infant trip to Fleetwood on Monday 14th November
This was a fantastic day out and even the rainy weather didn't manage to spoil it. First we went to the Fleetwood museum and then had lunch at the cafe on the seafront. Later we were shown around the lifeboat station, and Mr Reynolds even got to wear a crew members suit and helmet!

See below for some photos of the Infant nativity!