John Cross Primary School Maths Statement of Intent
‘Believing and Achieving in Maths’
At John Cross Primary School, children are aware of the importance of Mathematics in everyday life because, as well as teaching the National Curriculum objectives for each year group, we embed maths within engaging cross-curricular projects.
We want our children to enjoy learning maths, which comes through their own belief in achieving successfully within the challenges they undertake. In maths, we believe this is achieved when children are confidently fluent in their understanding of number and in their calculation skills. With this confidence, they can apply what they know to reason and explain their thinking and to solve problems, developing mastery and accessing higher levels of understanding.
We want the children of John Cross Primary School to view maths as absorbing, creative and valuable – with a passion to explore the world of number. Through problem-solving and investigation, we want them to develop the resilience, perseverance and independence.
Using our carefully sequenced delivery of the maths curriculum, we work hard to ensure that our children are ready to progress to the next stage of their learning, BELIEVING in their own ability to be successful mathematicians.
Sequence of Learning in Maths in Y1
John Cross Calculation Strategies for Addition/subtraction and Multiplication/division
How do the children do maths these days?
The calculation methods used by John Cross children may look different to the ones that parents may have used in their time at school. We have attached these two useful documents to show you how we do it in school these days!
These calculation strategies set out methods of mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division from Year 1 through to Year 6. Set out for each year group, these methods ensure consistency of teacher input and progression in pupil learning. They spell out the steps that children need to take to master these four operations. By ensuring that the language is correct, the strategy helps teachers promote understanding in Key Stage 1, while laying the correct building blocks for understanding with greater sophistication in Key Stage 2.