School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Living out our Christian Vision

Our Vision 

Following in the footsteps of our founder John Cross, we are committed to providing a loving, Christian family school built on mutual love, respect and co-operation. A safe and stimulating learning environment will enable our pupils to believe and achieve now and in the future.

Our Motto:

 ‘Believe and Achieve’

Our Christian Narrative:

Our Bible verse is ‘Life in all its fullness’ John 10:10

Our Bible story:

The Feeding of the Five Thousand.

Our Christian vision 'Believe and Achieve' permeates every aspect of school life from our policies to our curriculum. It is lived out through our 6 core Christian Values rotating termly between the values on a 2-year rolling programme. An understanding and application of these values is taught during worship as well as through all the curriculum but especially in subjects such as PSHE and RE.  The teaching of the values is rooted in the Bible where examples of how Jesus lived out this value are taught and embedded. Children are actively encouraged to put all that they have learnt into practice in their daily lives both in school and at home. Weekly reflective questions are used to enable the children to reflect personally on how all they have learnt is impacting on their actions. In KS2, these questions are tackled independently following some discussion. In the younger years, they are discussed as a group and recorded by the teacher.

A termly Christian Values award ( a trophy) is awarded to a child who has lived out the Christian Values particularly well. Children are also rewarded in Good Work for demonstrating Christian Values which is our weekly Celebration Assembly and/or with dojos in the class.

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