Design Technology
Welcome to our Design and Technology Page
At John Cross CE Primary School, we aim to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle through ideation, creation, and evaluation. We want pupils to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others. We aim to build pupils’ awareness of the impact of design and technology on our lives and encourage pupils to become resourceful, enterprising citizens, preparing them for living in a modern world with rapidly changing and advancing technology. Through the study of design and technology, children will combine practical skills with an understanding of the aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as functions and industrial practices.
Class 2: Textiles: Puppets
Class 2 explored methods of joining fabric before designing their own Christmas Angels. They then made their puppets using a preferred joining technique, before decorating and embellishing following their original designs.
Year 3/4
Food: Eating seasonally
Class 3 enjoyed learning about various fruits and vegetables, and when, where and why they are grown in different seasons. They discovered the relationship between colour and health benefits.
In their final lesson the children thought about all their learning in this unit in order to design and make their own seasonal tart.
Year 1/2
Structures - Making Windmills
During their topic on seaside holidays, we looked at local seaside resorts and the windmill at Lytham which many of the children had visited. During our DT unit the children designed, made and tested their own windmills based on a design criterion given to them from a seaside resort manager.
The children needed to make stable structures, which would eventually support the turbine, out of card, tape and glue and make functioning turbines and axles that were assembled into the main supporting structure. The children then tested and evaluated their windmills.
Click below to view more DT in Class 3
Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic toys
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Year 5/6 Automata Toys
Year 5/6 designed and made their own automata toys! Using mechanical systems with axles and cams, they were able to make toys that mimicked different movements.
Many skills were learnt, including measuring carefully and then cutting wooden battens and doweling, using a tenon saw and bench hook. A hand drill was used, along with a hot glue gun to stick and join the frame together. Cardboard triangles were used to strengthen joins, and the children had to make sure everything was square in order for the toy to work.
Importance was placed on the finished product, making sure that it was high quality.