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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Fundraising Ideas

FOBS 100 Club Membership 



FOBS 100 club is part of their work to raise money for school.

For just £12 per year annual subscription, you get your own number in the 100 club. At the end of each month in the school’s good work assembly, we will draw two numbers from a bag, with 50% of club membership money being used each time as prizes.


For example, 100 members would mean £100 each month in funds, with a 1st prize of £40 and a 2nd prize of £10 each month!. Your numbers go back into the bag for the next draw, meaning you have 12 goes at winning a 1st or 2nd prize, at great odds! Extended family members are welcome to join the 100 club too.


We will send a reminder when your 12 months subscription is due to end.  Winning prize cheques will be given out to winners in an envelope in school or mailed in the post. 



Money can be raised for school when you shop over the internet. All you need to do is register with Easyfundraising at the following address.

There are links on their website to lots of well known companies. These companies will donate a percentage of your total shopping amount to school! Please have a look at their website for more information. 

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