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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Who's Who

Our School Staff


Headteacher - Mr L Reynolds


Senior Management Team:

Mr L Reynolds - Headteacher, KS2 teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J Brown - Assistant Head, EYFS and KS1 Leader, SENDCO and Pre-school manager


Class Teachers:


Class One (Pre-school and Reception) - MIss Lamoury

Class Two (Year 1/2) -  Mrs J Brown,

Class Three (Year 3/4)  - Mrs J. Wright/Mr Reynolds

Class Four  Year 5/6) - Mrs Irwin


Teaching Assistants:

Class 1 - Mrs R. Thornton, Mrs I. Orchard 

Class 2 - Mrs R Thornton, Mrs Brayfield

Class 3 - Miss Fielding

Class 4 - Mrs A Green


Support Staff:

School Secretary - Mrs S Manzoor

School Cook - Mrs K Armstrong

Site Supervisor - Mr G. Wilson

Welfare - Mrs S Manzoor and Mrs Green

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