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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Glow Club

Our Vision 

Following in the footsteps of our founder John Cross, we are committed to providing a loving, Christian family school built on mutual love, respect and co-operation. A safe and stimulating learning environment will enable our pupils to believe and achieve now and in the future.

Our Motto:

 ‘Believe and Achieve’

Our Christian Narrative:

Our Bible verse is ‘Life in all its fullness’ John 10:10

Our Bible story:

The Feeding of the Five Thousand.

The children were very excited that Glow Club was running again this year and many came along to join in.



We were really excited and pleased to relaunch Glow Club after temporarily stopping the club to comply with the Covid retrictions. Glow Club is a Christian club which has now run for approximately 10 years!!

Each session is based on a theme which we explore through games and/or crafts. We then listen to a Bible story and discuss the theme, rounding everything off with some prayers which the children often lead. It's always great fun and very relaxed.

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