Our Vision
Following in the footsteps of our founder John Cross, we are committed to providing a loving, Christian family school built on mutual love, respect and co-operation. A safe and stimulating learning environment will enable our pupils to believe and achieve now and in the future.
Our Motto:
‘Believe and Achieve’
Our Christian Narrative:
Our Bible verse is ‘Life in all its fullness’ John 10:10
Our Bible story:
The Feeding of the Five Thousand.
Following in the footsteps of our founder John Cross, we are committed to providing a loving, Christian family school built on mutual love, respect and co-operation. A safe and stimulating learning environment will enable our pupils to believe and achieve now and in the future.
John Cross is a 'loving, Christian, family school' with a strong family feel which extends into the community. Many generations have attended John Cross and now send their children here too. The school has an excellent relationship with the church, local businesses, Myerscough College and many of the local residents.
Links with St Hilda's Church are excellent. The vicar of St Hilda's conducts weekly worships in school and school contribute to the Sunday services at Christmas, Harvest, Mothering Sunday and on Education Sunday. Members of the congregation support the school through serving as governors and listening to readers.
Harvest Festival 2024
This year's Harvest Festival theme was 'How can we show compassion at Harvest time?'. Sixteen children from different age groups attended with six of the older children leading the school's presentation dressed up as 'investigators'. Some of the children from Class 1 brought paintings of them showing compassion to others, Class 2 stepped into other people's shoes to think about how they could help others at Harvest. Class 3 acted out the Feeding of the Five Thousand whilst Class 4 produced a video clip explaining what God thinks about compassion and how we should respond to this. The puppets finished the presentation by singing a song about be thankful for all that we have and sharing it with others. The presentation was well received by the congregation.
Harvest Festival 2023
The children from school generously donated many items of food which were brought to the front of church by the attending children and given to Garry. Later on, these were taken to the local foodbank. The monetary offerings went to support the Bishop's Appeal which is supporting the people of the Liwolo area of South Sudan to live self-sufficient lives.
The children then told the story of The Feeding of the Five Thousand to illustrate the generosity of God and further explained that we are doing this so that other people who are less fortunate than ourselves can also live 'life in all its fullness'. The children then used the puppets to perform a song about being Jesus' hands and feet in order to help the world.
Mothering Sunday
On Mother's Day, a group of children supervised by Mrs Brown and Mrs Hodkinson led part of the morning church service at St Hildas which celebrated our wonderful mothers. The children in Class 2 made peppermint creams and these were given out during the service.
Education Sunday at St Hilda's Church
Twelve children and five staff from school attended the Education Sunday service. The children talked about the importance of books and the significance and relevance of the Bible in our lives.
Celebrating Harvest at Bilsborrow Church
On the 25th September, twenty children led part of the Harvest service at Bilsborrow church the theme of which was being thankful. The children started with a song thanking God for the harvest and they then explained why we should be thankful for our food through a short, humorous sketch. The younger children showed pictures that they had drawn and explained what they were thankful for. Some children explained that they were thankful for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The older children used puppets who sang to a song about being thankful to God because everything that is good comes from God. Class 4 recited a poem about remembering the plight of others who are less fortunate and showing compassion and generosity towards them. Class 2 children finished the presentation by praying.
The Platinum Jubilee Celebration
On 27th May, the school community joined together and celebrated the incredible achievements of the queen. The children enjoyed a fish and chip dinner which was followed by a talk about the queen and her inspirational 'Believe and Achieve' attitude. In the afternoon, the children and adults completed 4 activities on a round robin which were collaborative art, a hunt to find out about the queen's life and some sporting challenges on the field. They were then treated to a visit to the cafe to enjoy a cake and a drink.
Education Sunday
The theme for Education Sunday this year was 'Believe and Achieve'. Class 4 children talked about the school's vision. Class 3 explained the history of the school and why we 'follow in the footsteps ' of John Cross and Classes 1 &2 explained their future aspirations and how they are going to 'Believe and Achieve' in order for them to be fulfilled.

The Nativity Play
Myerscough College
We have excellent links with Myerscough and at Christmas, Class 4 sang some carols at the Myerscough College Christmas Carol service.
The Carol Service
This year's carol service was held in St Hilda's church.