School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

School Closure Home Learning

Year 1 & 2

In the event of your child needing to isolate we will provide them with work as close to what we are covering in class as possible (some changes to resources may be needed in order to share). Work will be added in the activities section of Tapestry. Parents were emailed login details when they signed the permission letters but if you have lost these or are having problems please email me so I can assist you. (

In the phonics, maths and reading sections of our class page you will find useful games and activities your child can access at home. In addition please find below a list of additional websites, apps and downloadable resources which your child can complete whilst at home.  



Online Activities (you will need login details for some)

Visit Our School
