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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

School Council


Annually, the children vote for their choice of representatives on the school council. They have a ballot paper each, and have to post this confidentially into a ballot box, just as government elections are held in our country.


This year we had 15 children who put themselves foward to be considered for election, and they gave some excellent speeches in the run up to voting day!


Here are the children who were elected:

                 Max                                                  Imogen

                 Archie                                             Zachary

                     Ellie                                          Grace  

                        Martha                                 Tilly          



What is the Children’s School Council?

Our Children’s School Council is a group of children who meet at least each half-term on a Thursday with Mrs Irwin to discuss issues within the school. There are 11 Children’s School Councillors from Year 2 to Year 6. 


Why do we have a Children’s School Council?

  • To improve the school according to the children's point of view.
  • To make sure each class has a platform to voice their opinions.
  • To discuss and raise issues.
  • To ensure the children learn about democracy and British law.


Our school council 2023-2024 


We've already had our first meeting during which we brainstormed lots of fantastic ideas!


Our school council 2022-2023


The first meeting was held on the 20th October following the elections the previous week.

The children worked in groups to brain storm ideas.


Achievements 2022-2023


In our planning meeting, Grace suggested sending out school resources to a poor country where the children aren't as fortunate as us. Mrs Brown had lots of English reading books which she was wondering what to do with and so we all agreed to box these up and pass them onto International Aid Trust to send abroad to Sierra Leone or the Ukraine.




What our School Council achieved in 2021-2022

During 2021-2022, the school council also worked on eco ideas with the worship leaders.

School council only achievements


  • Wear a hat day held on the 28/3/2022 to raise money for Brain Tumour research.
  • New equipment purchased for break times including a giant jenga.
  • Golden hour at the end of term when  the classes can choose their activities.
  • Bigger cups were bought for the older children to use at lunch time.
  • Sponsored run held in July to raise money for Brain Tumour research.



Eco council ( school council and worship leaders together) achievements.

  • Trees were planted ( one tree per child ) to create a new outdoor area for the school.
  • Previously loved uniform sale was held so reuse uniform that the children have grown out of and make money for the school.
  • 'Switch off your lights' posters created and displayed around the school.
  • Glow club restarted again. Singing club held in the Summer term.
  • Recycling started in the staff room.
  • Recycling pens, glue sticks and paper station set up in Class 3
  • Bird feeders made from old plastic bottles by Class 3
  • Litter picking took place around school by the Year 1 & 3 children.
  • Chalk boards painted and chalk sourced ready to be used in the Autumn.




What our school council achieved in 2017-2018:

  • New playground equipment chosen and ordered 
  • School pets (rabbits) organised and cared for in the school garden


What our School Council achieved in 2016-17:

  • Organised a police visit to raise awareness of the change in speed limit through Bilsborrow to 30mph from 40mph.  Children stood with the police and a radar gun, pulling over speeding drivers and asking them questions. Speed awareness posters were designed and displayed.
  • Ordering and purchasing of new reading books after surveying children.  Graphic novels were a particular area where the  children wanted more books.
  • New trim trail equipment chosen and ordered.
  • New playground play equipment chosen and ordered from the Sainsbury's voucher scheme.




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