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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Games and Activities

Here you will also find Presentations of flashcards for each set of words from Reception to Year 1.


Reception Words - Set 1

These are words that you need to be able to read and write. If you can read and spell these words move on to set 2.

HFw set 1.mp4

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Reception Words - Set 2

These are words that you need to be able to read and write. If you can read and spell these words move on to set 3.

Hfw set 2.mp4

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Reception Words - Set 3

These are words that you need to be able to read and write. If you can read and spell these words move on to set 4.

HFW set 3.mp4

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Reception Words - Set 4

These are words that you need to be able to read and write. If you can read and spell these words move on to Set 5 - all reception words with the challenge of numbers and colours.

Hfw set 4.mp4

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Set 5 - All reception words plus colours, numbers and days of the week

Can you read and write all these words? Year 1 - Check you can spell all these words including the numbers, colours and days of the week before completing Year 1 words - Set 6

Set 6 - Year 1 Common Exception Words

You need to be able to read and spell all these words. Try to read them a few times each week and ask someone to test you with spelling a few each time.


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Some games below to help you learn your words!


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