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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Christmas and Easter

Our Vision 

Following in the footsteps of our founder John Cross, we are committed to providing a loving, Christian family school built on mutual love, respect and co-operation. A safe and stimulating learning environment will enable our pupils to believe and achieve now and in the future.

Our Motto:

 ‘Believe and Achieve’

Our Christian Narrative:

Our Bible verse is ‘Life in all its fullness’ John 10:10

Our Bible story:

The Feeding of the Five Thousand.

The Junior Carol Service 2023

The carol service was again led by our Year 6 worship leaders ( Imogen, Leah and Scarlett) and included carols, readings, solos, puppets and poems performed by each class. The service started in candlelight with Scarlett singing the first verse of Once in Royal David's City and ended with a rousing version of We Wish you a Merry Christmas'. It was a beautiful service and a wonderful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.

Understanding Easter

Before we broke up for the holidays, the whole school took part in an Easter afternoon. Mrs Irwin gathered everyone together and took the children on a reflective journey through the Easter story where the children imagined what it was like to actually have been there. To consolidate knowledge, the children then participated in a fun quiz. During the main part of the afternoon, the children rotated around the school completing activities in four different areas which were:

1) Roll the Stone Away - the symbolism of the eggs which  means new life was explored with the children before an egg hunt and egg rolling competition took place.

2) What does it mean to me? Here, the children explored different activities relating to parts of the Easter story for example - friendship at the Last Supper. They were then able to pray or think about important aspects of their own lives such as worries, forgiveness, friendship, injustice, hopes and dreams and complete small reflective activities based around these to aid their thoughts or prayers.

3) Meet the Characters. The children  were taken on a journey through the Easter story ( which would have been in the woods if it hadn't been a very rainy day) where they met the Year 5 & 6 worship leaders who were dressed up as  the different characters and were able to ask them lots of questions and receive really good answers.

4) At the Cross. The children painted stones having been shown some stimuli of different decorated crosses on the whiteboard. They then helped to weave the backdrop using green material or build 2 more crosses using sticks from the woods to make a display. The Year 2s and Year 5 &6 worship leaders assembled the display which included a very kind donation of plants from Barton Grange.


We all gathered back at the end to worship together by singing a joyful song. Everyone really enjoyed them selves and learnt a lot.


What did we learn? Here's a few of our thoughts.

"I leant that Jesus is so kind because he knew that he would die for us but he still did it because he loves us so much. "

"I learnt that the Easter story is that important to us." 

"I learnt about the Easter story and facts about Judus, Jesus and many more. Also about the resurrection.  "

"I really enjoyed being able to have some quiet time to think about the meaning of Easter. "




The Infant Nativity 2023

The infant Nativity was performed by all of the children in KS1 and in EYFS twice. The first time was for parents and other relatives in church on Friday afternoon. The second performance was on Sunday morning in the church during the Christingle service where the audience included the church and local community.

The Junior Christmas Carol Service 2022


This year's carol service was led by two of our Year 6 worship leaders. Our service included Bible readings, carols and  a short presentation given by the worship leaders about how we have been living out our value of compassion this term ( and this year).



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