School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

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School Logo

John Cross CE

Primary School

Believe and Achieve


Below is a list of policies available on our website.  Our school office contains hard copies of these, along with any other policies school staff or parents may wish to see.


From 25th May 2018, new laws governing data protection came into place.  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) forms part of the data protection regime in the UK, together with the new Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). Below are documents relating to the policies regarding our school and data.

Please see below for other school policies.
PROCEDURE FOR MANAGING ALLEGATIONS AGAINST ADULTS IN SCHOOLS & EDUCATION SETTINGS : The County Council recommends the use of DfE’s guidance for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff - See guidance document above.
Our policies on administering medicines are below and there is also a Medicine Safety Booklet for your information

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